Reading the other posts I did here, I remembered about what happened after the exam. I did give them another exam. That'd be the 2nd one. It was a practical exam. We had a practice session on a Sunday (yes, I know... But it was the only available day), and it went well. Then, I modified that same practice session and added a few things and produced the exam. I told them that they had a full day to do it. They needed to write down the command or sequence of commands to produce the effect or information I asked them for, PLUS a typescript file of all their work. I really thought I could read back these files, 'cause I've used it before (as a student) in one of my classes. What I didn't know was that there isn't any typescript viewer for LINUX!! It's just... Weird... So, I had to analyze the files by hand, that were full of backspace and new-line codes, among other things, trying to make sense of them. I have to admit I had better results than in the first exam. Seems the practical session proved to be useful after all.
After that, I tried to get them to do a little presentation about network services on Linux. Oh God... What a disappointing experience. I guess I expected too much from them, and I guess I wasn't exactly a great teacher either. And then after that came the whole LAN project.

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