Day 8: The exam
I spent 3 days building that exam. I looked at all the papers and the webpages and the stuff I used for my class and slowly composed the document. I wanted a 3 part exam, with multiple choice, true/false and open questions. 10 questions per section. I ended up with 12 on the multiple choice part. In total there where 12 multiple choice questions, 10 true/false questions and 10 open questions. Each of the parts were 30, 20 and 50 points, respectively. I showed the exam to a couple of co-workers and friends. One said "it's cruel". The other said "it's a good exam". So I said "it's good"! :)
I got to the school a full 15 minutes early. Perfect time to prepare everything. I asked the prefect that I needed to get copies for my exam and he told me that I had to do that with 2 days in advance with some secretary upstairs. I was like "WTF?!?" Ok, time to talk to the dean. He told me "give me your exam". I did, and 5 minutes later I had 17 copies in a nice yellow letter-size envelope. "Next time, do it in advance", the prefect told me as he hand me the exams. Shyeah, right :P
Anyway, I got the brilliant idea of using our old lab/classroom this time, since it was a 100% written test. I told the dean if I could use it and he told me "Why don't you use a classroom instead?" "Perfect", I said. They gave me a really nice classroom on the 2nd floor. Properly lit, 2 whiteboards, computer, overhead projector, nice desks and all. But first I had to get my class here. I went to the lab and there were like 5 students in there already. I told them about our new location, wrote a message on the blackboard about it and headed back there. Slowly, all the guys that were in the lab came in and sat down. Still 5 minutes 'till class... I waited for the rest of the class... no sign of them. OK, I handed out the exams. I didn't have any staples, so I asked them to mark their tests with their student ID numbers. 5 minutes into the exam and the rest of the class came in. 10 minutes later I could tell they were having a really hard time with the exam. Vacant looks, the scratching of heads, the faces of pain... I felt sorry for them. 20 minutes later I asked them if they wanted extra questions... They said yes of course. I jotted 4 questions on the whiteboard. They complained a bit, but then I told them that this was helping them way too much. 30 minutes later, the first student gave me his exam. And so they went, one by one, handing in the exam. When an hour and 10 minutes had passed, I had 4 people still struggling with it. They handed in 5 minutes before the end of the class. I caught a few of my students after the exam and they were still talking about the exam. I answered some of their questions and then I left.

Posted by c at 11:10 AM 0 Comments

I don't even remember what happened on day 7. It was another day of practice. I told them at first if they wanted to go over the material we've covered so far, because the exam was next class. They tried to ask a few things, but they seemed pretty lost and unattentive. So, I decided to continue teaching class. I told them about links: symbolic links and hard links. I told them about pagers: less and more. I told them a bit about how to use grep... and that was the class. I tried to use pseudo-regular expressions with grep... to no avail. I think egrep's better for that.